690 +的成员
90+ Innovative Start-ups
50+ 关键成员s
Powered by over 700 member organisations from across the value chain, e世博注册 is at the forefront of positively influencing policy, 确定推动行业可持续发展所需的途径,并推动解决方案来改造我们的建筑, 社区, cities and infrastructure so that people and 自然 thrive.
To radically improve the sustainability of the built environment, by transforming the way it is planned, 设计, 构造, 维护, repurposed and operated.
Eliminating waste and maximising resource efficiency
Creating long-term value for society and improving quality of life
在e世博注册, we collaborate to advocate, enable and inspire accelerated leadership and action, primarily by business and government, e世博网站气候变化, 资源使用, 自然 & biodiversity, health & wellbeing and socio-economic impact.
Committed to Net Zero
e世博注册 is a member of the UN-backed Race to Zero campaign. We have pledged to:
- Halve our absolute greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
- Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
- 制定一个强有力的计划,以实现必要的测量和减少,以实现这些目标
- Disclose our progress publicly on a yearly basis
- Align our communications, policy and lobbying with our net zero commitment
We have established our baseline emissions footprint and are now developing, and taking immediate action to implement, an emissions reduction strategy. Our targets and progress towards them are being independently verified by 行星马克, in line with the Science Based Targets initiative’s Corporate Net Zero Standard.
e世博注册 seeks to drive positive impact through not only its own activities, 同时也通过授权和支持我们的会员社区采取行动. 我们希望您能加入我们的变革运动-了解e世博注册作为零排放加速器的角色 在这里.
Our global net工作
e世博注册 is part of the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) net工作, 一个由超过75个国家绿色建筑委员会组成的全球网络,正在改变我们生活的地方, 工作, 玩, 治愈和学习.
WorldGBC促进每个人对可持续和脱碳e世博注册的吸收, 到处都是. It 工作s with businesses, 各组织和政府致力于实现《e世博注册》和联合国全球可持续发展目标的雄心.
Through a systems change approach, WorldGBC challenge business as usual, 推动市场变革,支持最佳实践,为我们的行业实现2030年脱碳和可持续发展目标.
我们与这个全球网络的联系使我们的成员能够独特地获得国际最佳实践, 全球项目, and international events such as the UN climate negotiations.